Having a child is nothing short of life-changing and adding a second kid into the mix is a completely different kind of challenge—both for you and for your older children. Here are a few tips to help your littles adjust to the idea of a new baby sibling.

  • Explain that the family is growing, using age-appropriate language. There are lots of kids’ books that can help with this.
  • Talk about what the baby will be like when it arrives. Prepare your kids for things like how much babies may cry, how newborns spend most of their time eating and sleeping, and how long it takes for babies to become playmates.
  • Involve your child with caring for baby. This could mean handing you a clean diaper when you need one, choosing a new outfit, or helping to entertain during playtime.
  • Your child may be jealous of the baby. Reassure them that being a big sister or brother isn’t always easy, and that more kids in the family doesn’t mean you love them any less. It’s also great if you can carve out a little time to spend with your older children without the baby, doing something they enjoy.