While aging can affect your memory, there are ways you can help
yourself remember things and keep your memory sharp and organized.
Try these ideas:

Tell yourself what you’re doing: If
you are heading into a room to find
something, say it aloud: “I’m walking
into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

Use sticky notes: these are a great
way to post reminders around the
house. For example: keep one on
the fridge to note any items you
need from the grocery store, or put
a note above the item it references
(one near your outgoing mail about
a bill that’s due, one in your car
to remember to schedule your oil
change, etc.)

Use your smart phone: why not
double-up on the notes and make
them virtual, too? Add appointment
reminders, list items you need from
the store, talking points for coffee
with a friend, and things to talk to
your medical provider about.

Get organized: place everyday
items, like car keys and your phone, in the same place. You’ll save so
much time looking for them every
day if you keep them in the same
spot. You could add a keyring hook
by the front door for your car keys
and keep your pocketbook in the
closet by your coat.

Keep your mind active: why not play
sudoku, try the latest crossword in
the paper, or watch trivia shows to
keep your mind in top shape?

Limit distractions: if you’re trying to
have a conversation with someone,
turn off the TV, or face the person,
so you can focus on the information
relayed. You’re more likely to retain
details this way

Be mindful of how you treat yourself:
Adequate sleep, good food, and
some medications can affect
memory. Speak to your primary care
physician about ways you can focus
on memory health.