Whether you’re sending an email follow-up for a job interview or thanking a relative for a Christmas gift, there’s an art to the thank-you note. It shows that you’ve gone out of your way to show appreciation. In an age where communication is instantaneous, it can be difficult to know when to send an email, text, or make the effort to write a handwritten card, and what to say. Here are some general guidelines:

  • Emails: it’s most appropriate to send an email in a professional scenario —such as sending a note following a job interview —to remind them of your interest and to thank the interviewer for their time. It shows you are interested and that you follow through. However, if you attended a formal event, it may be worth making the extra effort to thank the hosts in writing.
  • Text messages: sending a text is for informal situations, like thanking friends and family for visiting or for suggestions they’ve provided. Also, a text when you’re using a gift, maybe with a photo attached, is a great way to show the sender that you appreciate their gift and are getting use out of it (think a picture of the baby in the new clothes Grandma sent).
  • Writing a handwritten note: thank-you cards these days are more commonly sent as a follow-up to a wedding; to thank friends and family for their thoughtful gifts; to the host of a charity event or dinner; after someone has written a letter of recommendation on your behalf; to thank friends for hosting a dinner party; or to mark a major life-change or anniversary.
  • What to say in your note: if writing a handwritten note, bear in mind it doesn’t need to be an essay but do be specific and mail it promptly. Tell them what you are thanking them for — if it was for a gift, mention said gift and how you plan to use it — how it made you feel, and how much you appreciate their efforts. If marking a major life change, your note can offer support and encouragement, while at the same time acknowledging the transition or change they are experiencing. In an age when we’re all busy, the gesture of sending a note shows kindness and appreciation for your relationship.