Realtor in Claremont
I am very humbled and honored to have been selected by the DLE, The Designated Local Expert Network, as Claremont’s local area expert. I was selected because of my ability to consistently sell homes for the most money with the most favorable terms and quickest time frame. I have access to the DLE private buyer network and Exclusive marketing platforms no other realtor has.
This allows me to consistently drive more traffic to home owners and negotiate for the highest price and most favorable terms.
Realtor, BA, Cert. Luxury Home Specialist with Over 11 years of full-time experience!
– Ranked top Producer Re Max champions
– Member of National and California Association’s of Realtor’s
– Bachelor’s Degree from Cal Poly Pomona
– Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist
– Local expert & has Lived in the foothill community for over 29 years
With over a decade of full-time real estate sales experience and top-selling awards year after year, it remains my goal to give my clients the best service and the highest quality in real estate marketing. I understand the changing market and the different strategies needed to negotiate, market and sell listings in ever changing markets.
Before selling your property there are a few things you should know before you list. When you enlist a Realtor to sell your property you place the responsibility of one of your largest assets onto that person. Trusting that person and knowing that the process will be handled professionally from beginning to end is critical to a successful sale. From marketing procedures, tough negotiations, loan details, escrow details, inspections and communication and throughout the entire transaction, it is my goal to provide the best service possible.
One of our main focuses is online marketing through Exclusive Platforms. Home buyers are using the Internet in increasing numbers each day to research information on properties. Reports state that approximately 97% do their initial home search on the web. The Internet now outpaces classified advertising for attracting buyers to properties. We cover all bases when it comes to internet marketing.
Anthony Grynchal
Re Max Champions DRE# 01873626

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Realtor Claremont

Certified luxury marketing specialist


Claremont Blog

Mr. Cali Network

Is Your Tap Water Safe?

All tap water contains some impurities, but not all impurities make the water unsafe. Some minerals pose no threat at a low level, while a

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Mr. Cali Network

Helping Adults Kids With Money

Being supportive of adult children doesn’t always involve writing a check. It can mean saying no to the “kid” who overspends and always asks for

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Create A Cleaning Routine

Weekly cleaning schedules like this are merely suggestions. Adjust as needed to find the routine that works for you and you’ll be much more likely

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