“Insider Tips For Healthy, Wealthy & Happy Living…”

Insider tips with Mr. Cali

Saving money in today’s economy and uncertain times is particularly important. In today’s Service For Life!  Free consumer newsletter, you’ll learn tips to save money on car maintenance you probably don’t need, as well as how to get the best deal when trading in electronic devices.

You’ll also learn how to care for a friend in need, what to watch for when it comes to lead paint in homes – plus fun facts, a trivia challenge, and lots more.

Finally, I want you to know that you may call me for any reason. And please let me know if a friend, family member or neighbor needs a caring, competent real estate professional to help in buying or selling.

I truly appreciate your friendship and referrals. Enjoy your issue!

Warmest regards,
909 731 5374
P.S. When you notice people talking about real estate in the next few weeks, can you tell them about the free consumer information I provide?

They may be people you meet who were relocated and are looking to buy a home this summer. You can help them buy their dream home for a lower payment than they might think is possible by mentioning my Free Consumer Report “7 Secrets For Saving Thousands When Financing Your Home.” You can call me at 909 575-8792 to request a copy.
Brain Teaser
I have no voice, but I am able to speak to you. I share all of the world’s events and people’s intimate thoughts. I have a spine, but I am not human. What am I?


Car Maintenance You’re
Wasting $$$ On

Maintaining a car can be a costly activity–but it might not be as costly as you think. Most mechanics don’t want you to know most of the following tips. That’s because some maintenance really isn’t necessary, or isn’t required at the “recommended mileage.”

You don’t need to have your oil changed every 3,000 miles. In fact, most manufacturers say that most cars don’t need an oil change for 7,500 miles. Check your manual for certainty.
An additional warranty may be unnecessary. Most car manufacturers will guarantee cars for up to 70,000 miles, so be sure to check this before buying an additional warranty package.
Be smart about your inspection. Some car companies will sell you a $350 inspection deal, but in the process that means they will look for other things to fix that may not yet need fixing. For example, they may tell you that your brakes are worn down by 50 percent. Here’s the thing: you don’t need to replace your brakes until they are worn to about 85 to 90 percent of their original thickness.
Question flushes. Some mechanics may encourage you to flush the car of brake fluid, power steering fluid, or transmission fluid. This isn’t always necessary. Most of these fluids, depending on the car, only need to have the fluid changed if something is wrong. Ask the mechanic to show you the fluid, explain why it needs to be changed, and then do some research online about what signs to look for that might indicate that the fluid needs to be changed. Again, check your car’s manual.
However: Pay for quality materials! It may seem that you’re saving money by buying generic brake pads, but cheaper ones aren’t necessarily good quality and may wear out more quickly. Brake pads are worth splurging on in the long run. So is high-quality synthetic motor oil.
Bottom line: every car is different. Be sure to look at your car manufacturers’ manual and recommended maintenance schedule as a guide. Also, don’t be afraid to get a second opinion.

Don’t put your home on the market without my Free Consumer Guide titled, “How To Avoid 7 Costly Mistakes When Selling Your Home. My exclusive report will give you all the facts for a fast, top dollar sale. Get your free copy by calling me at…909 731 5374
How To Be There
For A Friend With Cancer

Nearly 40% of people will be diagnosed with cancer during their lifetimes. When faced with the terrible news that a friend has cancer, there are some things you can do (and should not do) to stay positive for your friend during their time of need.

Offer to lend a hand. Daily tasks can be overwhelming for people who are sick. Ask your friend what they need help with and if they don’t know, you could suggest grocery shopping, cleaning, picking up or dropping off kids, or mowing the lawn. Pick anything you can do to lighten their load.
Ask if they’d like to talk. People with cancer often want to talk about anything but their diagnosis, while others are frustrated that people around them avoid the topic. Try to just be a friend who can be a supportive listener with whatever is on their mind.
Ask permission to visit. When someone is sick, they may not want visitors, so it’s important to ask beforehand when you should visit and be prepared for them to say, “not right now.” Remember, it isn’t personal. Support other caregivers. Perhaps their spouse or partner needs a break. Ask how you can support them, too.
Avoid your friend. It may be difficult to face your friend but avoiding them could cause more pain. Take time to process the news, but also be mindful that they may need you. You might have to put your feelings to the side and put theirs first to support them during this tough period.
Tell them everything is going to be OK.Offering false platitudes may make you feel better, but you can’t offer something you don’t know. Stick with a supportive comment, like “We’ll get through this and I’ll be right by your side.”
Make comments that they don’t look sick.Avoid telling your friend that they’re looking fine. Remember, each cancer is different, and it manifests in different ways that may not be visible. Leave health comments to their doctor.
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Thanks to all of my clients and friends who support my practice and graciously referred me to your friends and neighbors. Rather than pester people with unwanted calls and visits, I build my business based on the positive comments and referrals from people just like you. I couldn’t do it without you!

Lawrence Nagel.

How To Trade In Your Phone

Have you ever traded in a phone? Most carriers have their own programs that you can learn about on their website or through your account. However, there are other options out there too, offering cash for both Android and Apple devices. Here’s how to get the best deal:
Shop around. Don’t just take your carrier’s word for it, be sure to check multiple providers to find the best offer. Try these sites after checking with your provider: GadgetGone.com, ItsWorthMore.com.
Before cashing in, fix that broken screen. Some carriers will reduce the price for the phone to next to nothing if it has a broken screen. However, most screen fixes are quick, can be cheap, and will increase the value of your phone. Do your research.
Delete. Delete. Be sure to delete all personal information after you have backed up your phone. Once you’ve saved your data, restore the phone to its factory settings to avoid any potential fraud or your data getting into the wrong hands.
FREE Consumer Help Is Just A Phone Call Away.

Learn valuable secrets for saving thousands and avoiding costly mistakes when buying, selling or refinancing a home. Best of all, it’s FREE. Ask about my “Insider’s Free Resources” by calling me at: 909 575-8792
Lead-Based Paint

We know lead can be dangerous and could be present if you have an older home. But how do you determine if there is lead present, and what should you watch for? In short: homes built before 1978, when the federal government banned its use, and antique painted furniture might have lead paint. Here’s how to spot lead paint and what to do:

Why you should be concerned:
Lead is a toxin and can cause brain and organ damage. Assume paint on antiques or old homes contains lead until tested.
Lead paint often cracks in an “alligator skin” pattern.
Chipped or flaking painted surfaces could be dangerous. You can buy lead test swabs at hardware stores which will tell you in a few minutes if lead is present.
What to do:
Do not allow kids or pregnant women to come into contact with the item or painted surfaces if the lead test is positive.
Ensure that painted areas are kept in good condition and be extra careful to clean up any paint chips.
Wash hands thoroughly when touching or working with vintage items.
Talk to a company that specializes in lead paint removal/remediation.
Brain Teaser Answer:
A book

Tech Tips To Save Time
You may find yourself spending more time with technology than you need to. Try these shortcuts:
Want to share an exact moment in a YouTube video? Simply play the video to the precise time, hit share, and underneath the share button you’ll see a checkbox that will display the time you want to target. Check the box and send the link.
At the end of a sentence when texting on your phone, hit the space bar twice. This adds a period, a space, and capitalizes the next letter.
Use free dictation in Google Docs. Did you know that you can record your voice to dictate text? Go to the Tools menu and enable the Voice Typing command. You can then start dictating.

Real Estate Corner…

Q. What can I ask the seller to pay for when buying a home?

A. Remember, everything you ask from a seller is a concession in their mind. Whether you’re asking them to lower the price, make a decorating allowance or contribute to your closing costs, they are primarily interested in the bottom-line dollar proceeds at closing. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Negotiations can be tough if you try to get the seller to both lower the price and also make other concessions or contributions to your closing costs too. It can actually compromise your ability to come to an agreement.
Appraisers are now asked to consider the dollar value of any seller concessions when they determine the value of the home you are purchasing.
Lenders will limit the contributions made by the seller without lowering your loan amount. It is important for you to ask your lender what they will allow the seller to pay.

If you’d like to learn more about the home-buying process and how to get the home of your dreams at a price you can afford please call me at: 909 731 5374

Or, if you have any other real estate questions, I’m here to help. Have a real estate question? Let me know! I may share it in this section next month.

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