Insider tips with Mr. Cali

“Insider Tips For Healthy, Wealthy & Happy Living…”

     It is often said that a tidy space equals a tidy mind, but what about your computer? Messy cords, cables and too many unsorted files can make it hard to find things and focus at your workspace. In today’s Free consumer newsletter, you’ll learn practical tips to declutter your digital life and increase your productivity!

     You’ll also learn about simple things you do every day that can improve your heart health, how to save smartly for a baby, and tips to save money on energy bills – plus fun facts, a trivia challenge, and lots more.

     Finally, I want you to know that you may call me for any reason. And please let me know if a friend, family member or neighbor needs a caring, competent real estate professional to help in buying or selling.

     I truly appreciate your friendship and referrals. Enjoy your issue!

Warmest regards,

Mr. Cali

P.S. When you notice people talking about real estate in the next few weeks, can you tell them about the free consumer information I provide?

They may be people needing to move in the next 6 months, and you can tell them about my Free Consumer Report: “Make Your Home Show Like A Model Without Breaking The Bank.”  They’ll thank you because this informative guide has a checklist of inexpensive ways to make buyers instantly attracted to a home. To request a copy for a friend, simply call me at:

Brain Teaser

Turn me on my side and I’m everything. Cut me in half and I’m nothing. What am I?

(See page 4 for the answer.)

Declutter Your Tech (Part 1)

     This two-part series focuses on how to declutter your technology. This month covers tips and tricks to safely declutter physical tech items, while next month will focus on digital decluttering. We’ve included a handy checklist you can stick to your fridge!

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  • Start with your tech drawer/cupboard of old computer and media-related content (everyone seems to have one). Once you’ve identified these items, divide into three piles: sell (give yourself a deadline to make sure you get rid of these items) keep, orscrap/recycle. Look out for:
    • Old cellphones
    • Power cables that no longer fit your current computer or laptop
    • Gaming devices
    • Well-worn cameras that you’ve replaced with a newer one
    • Unused computer speakers
    • Controls for devices you no longer use, like old TVs and DVD players
    • Tapes, CDs, floppy disks
    • Old photos
  • For items you decide to keep, ensure they are stored in a designated space like a closet or drawer, preferably in either a protective cover or in a drawer organizer. Don’t forget to label them so you can easily identify the item when you need it.
  • How to recycle:
    • Speakers, gaming consoles, and small electronic devices can be recycled at large retailers like Best Buy that have a recycling program.
    • Most large grocery stores provide cell phone recycling.
    • If you have an old Apple device, you should be able to not only recycle but also gain credit or trade-in value. Go to for more info.
    • CDs and DVDs cannot be recycled in your regular bin. Instead, they need to be donated to thrift stores, or sent away to safe recycling programs like GreenDisk (
    • Your city or state may also subsidize tech recycling. Check their website for more information.
  • Old photos. Digitizing is the best way to ensure your valuable old photos are backed up and saved. You can scan each one yourself, or pay a service ( or to do it.

How To Get Top Dollar Selling Your Home…
If you’re thinking about selling your home soon, request my Free Consumer Guide, “7 Insider Tips To Net More Money Selling Your Own Home.” This report will be your secret weapon to maximize the net profits from the sale of your home. C
all me to get a free copy:

Small Steps To A Healthier Heart


     Researchers at Harvard say that small health improvements are an important part of heart disease prevention. Small steps, they say, are the key to succeeding at improving heart health. Improve your heart health with these tips:

  • Use those muscles. Lifting small objects, like a bag of pet food, is a great way to tone arm muscles. Incremental movements build strength and may motivate you to later join a gym and increase the weights you’re able to lift.

  • Take short walks. A short, brisk walk is a great way to energize your body and get it used to short bursts of exercise.

  • Go to the dentist. Regular professional cleanings and taking good care of your teeth at home are linked to a healthier heart.

  • Watch the liquid calories. Soda and other sweetened drinks are laden with added calories. Swapping for water flavored with fruit, or low sugar alternatives, could save 100 calories a day.

  • Get nutty! Snacking on nuts, like walnuts or almonds, is great for heart health. Try a handful instead of chips or candy.

  • Breathe. The practice of slow and deep breathing, even if only for a few minutes a day, can help lower blood pressure. Set a reminder to breathe on your phone to keep you on track.

  • Eat an extra serving of fruit or vegetables. Just one extra portion of fruit or vegetable a day can help your whole body!

  • Limit red meat. Swapping meat with fish once a week can benefit your heart and brain.

  • Eat more fiber. Foods like whole grain cereals, barley, spinach, pears, kidney beans, and prunes are packed with fiber which can help prevent heart disease.
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Thanks to all of my clients and friends who support my practice and graciously referred me to your friends and neighbors. Rather than pester people with unwanted calls and visits, I build my business based on the positive comments and referrals from people just like you. I couldn’t do it without you!

Save For A Baby

     Babies are expensive. According to recent figures, the cost of raising a child is a whopping $233,610! Here are some ideas to get smart with your money and save for a baby:

  • Check your insurance and shop around. Call your provider and note the overall cost of pre- and postnatal care, then shop around to find the best option. You could save on copays, deductibles, and in-network doctors.
  • Start saving on health expenses, smartly:
    • HSAs (health savings accounts) are applicable if you have a high deductible insurance plan. An HSA might be good option if you can’t change insurance. Plus, they are tax exempt!
    • Flexible spending account (FSA) – these are usually established through an employer and can help pay for medical costs. This fund is also tax exempt.
    • Dependent Care FSA (DCFSA). Another type of account offered by employers, this one is for childcare expenses for children under 13. You can save up to $5,000 per year in this account on a married filing joint household.
  • 529 Plan. This helps you to prepay or set up a savings account for education expenses. Each state has different rules, but withdrawals for qualified education expenses are tax-free.

Here’s A Free, Valuable Resource…

Now You Can Search The Home Market, Get Helpful Community Information, AND Receive Important Resources For Saving Time And Money When Buying Or Selling At

 Cool Uses For Plastic Bags

     Plastic bags need not be one-time use items. They have lots of reusable purposes. Try these ideas to make use of them, instead of letting them pile up under the sink or go right into the trash!

  • Add a stash to the car for a portable trash bin.
  • Take them on vacation as a travel laundry bag.
  • Weatherproof your padlocks. Stop them from freezing by adding a sandwich bag over the lock.
  • Portable poop bags. Save on buying doggy bags from the store and re-use old plastic bags.
  • Use as a doggy water bowl when out hiking.
  • Dispose of cooking oil in used resealable sandwich bags.
  • Craft! Bloggers and crafters have used old plastic bags to make rugs, bags, and even rope. Get online to find out how! Search for “trash bag crafts.”
  • Keep a paintbrush fresh. If you’re in the middle of painting, but waiting for the first coat to dry, wrap the used paintbrush in a plastic bag to keep from drying out. Then simply unwrap and re-use.


“Who Else Wants To Win

amazon gift card $200.00?”

Guess who won last month’s Trivia Question? I’m pleased to announce the lucky winner of last month’s quiz. And the winner is…drum roll please: Carlye Pimintelle was the winner of my trivia drawing!

Only one U.S. President was born on July 4 (Coolidge) but three
Presidents died on July 4. Which ones?

a) John Adams, Martin Van Buren, Warren Harding

b) John Adams, James Monroe, Thomas Jefferson

c) James Monroe, Franklin Pierce, Richard Nixon

d) Thomas Jefferson, John Tyler, Harry Truman


The answer is: b) John Adams, James Monroe, Thomas Jefferson. Adams and Jefferson died on the very same day, July 4, 1826, within a few hours of one another. James Monroe died in 1831. So let’s move on to this month’s
trivia question.

Tennis champion Serena Williams won which major tournament while pregnant with her first child?

a) Australian Open b) Wimbledon c) French Open  d) ATP Finals

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And You Could Be One Of My Next Winners!

Brain Teaser Answer:

The number 8

Real Estate Corner…

Q. What’s the purpose of a home inspection?

A. A home inspection is performed after the buyer and seller have entered into a written contract.  It’s a review of the home’s condition, including the heating system, attic, foundation, and a mold review.  The point is to identify any area of the home that needs replacement or repair.  You’ll use the report to set the final price of your purchase.

You may choose to buy the house and make the repairs, or you may walk away from the property if the costs would be too high for your budget and the sellers refuse to lower the price or make the repairs. You can get your earnest money back provided your contract has a “sale contingent on inspection” clause.

You’ll also need to get an appraisal, which serves to assess a value to the property. You need to know that the property you’ve selected will appraise at or above the amount you’ve contracted to pay for it.

Want to learn more?  Ask for my Free Consumer Report called “Top 10 First-Time Homebuyer Mistakes To Avoid.”  I’ll send a copy right over to you.

     Do you have a question related to real estate or home ownership?  Please call me at  Perhaps I’ll feature your question in my next issue!

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