1. PRICING TOO HIGH: It is no secret, price is everything. Overpricing does more to discourage
buyers than any other single factor. When you over price, you
put your home in competition
with homes that may be newer,
larger or have more amenities
than yours. You help your competition sell their home. This leads
to long days on the market and
costs you, the seller, money in the
long run. Make sure you get your
pricing advice from a professional agent who knows the market.
Get an experienced Realtor. RUN
from anyone telling you they can
sell your home for substantially more than it is worth. They are
luring you into a contract or are

that is in poor condition does not
excite buyers. A home like this is
looked at by buyers as a work
project and money pit. Having
your home in good repair and
great showing condition will signifcantl\ improve \our chances
for a sale at top dollar value.

3. POOR CURB APPEAL: Most buyers today want to drive by. If your
home is an attractive drive by, it
will gain more attention and certainly more showings. Doing the
little things to help your home’s
curb appeal will make a huge difference.

SELL: Buyers like updated, light
and bright homes. Dark carpets,
paint and curtains are often buyer
turn-offs. Go through your home
and remove clutter; touch up
and update paint, counter tops,
and carpets. Open your home
up and make sure the sun shines
in. Offensive odors from pets and
smoking are also huge turn-offs to most buyers. Rid your home of
offensive smells by burning scented candles and create a pleasant aroma. The most important
rooms to concentrate on are the
living room, family room, kitchen
and master bedroom. Your entire
home’s atmosphere is set off by
these rooms.

home in good showing condition,
but don’t over do it. Huge projects such as complete remodels
of kitchens, adding decks, and
expanding room sizes may not
pay back your investment. Mr.
Cali & Associates will advise you
on what can help you based on
your individual situation

6. BE FINANCEABLE: Bad roofs, exterior paint or structural problems may make your home
non n financeable. the wider the scope of fnancing that your home can qualify for, the
higher the overall market value.

7. GET GOOD ADVICE AND GOOD MARKET EXPOSURE: Hiring a professional agent will help
you get your home priced right, and get your home exposed to the largest number of
potential buyers. Paying the agent for the extensive service provided is often the least
expensive part of selling your home. Trying to sell your home yourself can be costly. Most
“for sale by owner” homes close for less than comparable homes listed with an agent
and have no representation.

8. DON’T BE PRESENT DURING SHOWINGS: When your home is being shown, go for a drive
or a walk. Take yourself, your family and pets, and let the agent and their clients have the
freedom they need. An agent can always do their best job of showing your home when
you are not home. Buyers are more at ease and much more likely to spend time looking
at your home’s features and benefits.When sellers make the decision to stay around for
the open house, potential buyers may get the feeling that they are intruding on your
time, making them more inclined to leave.

9. LET YOUR AGENT DO THE NEGOTIATING: If there is ever a good reason to have a veteran
agent working for you, it is during the negotiation of your home sale. A good negotiator
can mean thousands of dollars to you, and will protect your interests.

10.  ACT FAST WITH OFFERS: When you do get an offer on your home, act quickly and decisively.
Letting offers sit around without acting can be a huge mistake. Things can change quickly in
the mind of a prospective buyer. Acting quickly while the excitement and interest level are at
a high point can be very important. Typically, a buyer’s motivation level decreases with time.
Buyers remorse can even set in. Acting in a timely manner is essential.


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